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Physical Education

Nestled on 22-acres with access to an organic farm, fruit orchards, hiking trails, creeks and ample outdoor space, Butler Montessori is a place where children are active every day.Ā 

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Children need to move! That's why Butler Montessori, an accredited private school, gives your child access to outdoor activities and movement classes year-round.

"My children especially love the outdoor learning and playing, whether it's hiking or studying nature in the woods, gardening, visiting the chickens or horses, running around the playground, or sled riding in the winter."

Parent Review on Great Schools

Games and activities work on physical development, especially fine and gross motor skills, and building or increasing physical stamina.

The importance of physical exercise and the need for children to have the freedom to ā€œmoveā€ permeates life at Butler Montessori and its community. TheĀ 22-acre campus, with fields, woods, gardens and trails, provides a beautiful environment and a strong call to be outside doing activities whenever possible.

One of the core philosophical tenets ofĀ Dr. Maria Montessoriā€™s education for children was her understanding of the need and importance for movement to perfect childrenā€™s coordination of both large and refined movements. She understood the link between movement and activity to the development of the intellect, which has been confirmed in recent years by brain research studies.

The freedom to move in the classroom or to work on the floor or outdoors, rather than being restricted to sitting for long periods of time at a desk, has always been a Montessori distinction from traditional education. Whether it was the hands of the child manipulating beautiful pieces of material or creating handwork, to Primary children walking on the line or Elementary students participating in team games, movement is essential to the development of the whole child. Movement and physical activity help to create peaceful children.



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