
Whether it is creating aĀ mandala out of wildflowers, identifying different styles of art, or creating the backdrop for a school play, art is a constant in the work and experience of the students at Butler Montessori.

Schedule A Lower School Info Session (6-weeks ā€“ 6th Grade) Schedule an In-Person Upper School Tour (7th ā€“12th Grade)

Exposure and appreciation for art begins when the child arrives and continues through his or her years of Montessori education.

Formal art classes are taught at Butler Montessori once a week beginning inĀ Upper Elementary. Emphasis is placed on introducing a wide variety of projects, techniques, mediums, and styles.

The student learns and further explores the weekly lesson, but also, and most importantly, discovers a trust and delight in his or her own individual creative ability.

In the upper school, art is taught in small groups over a period of six weeks, in blocks of two-hour segments. The students work on one project for the six weeks, which gives them the opportunity to tackle bigger projects, allowing time for appropriate research, problem-solving, and trial and error.

Whether it is decorating a math paper of addition problems, identifying different styles of art, or creating the backdrop for a school play, art is a constant in the work and experience of the students at Butler Montessori.


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